A New Kind of Superhero
Introducing The Justice Leagues newest member…Embarrassment to His Children Man. His superpower: he pays their allowance.
Updates, musings and factless opinions.
Introducing The Justice Leagues newest member…Embarrassment to His Children Man. His superpower: he pays their allowance.
Science Fiction has lost another Grand Master. Harry Harrison died at the age of 87. For those who don’t know who he was, Harry Harrison created the Stainless Steel Rat series, Bill the Galactic Hero, and that Charlton Heston movie “Soylent Green,” was based on his novel, “Make Room! Make Room!”
I met, or rather saw Harry Harrison once when the World Con was last held in Toronto. He was a panelist and getting ready to sit when an older gentlemen came up to the Grand Master, smiling and started talking in German. Mr. Harrison returned the smile, shook the man’s hand and said, “Yes, of course, I remember you.”
The rest of the conversation was essentially nods and some broken English. Coming from a European heritage, I’m very familiar with such conversations, and this one stuck in my head over the years because it could have gone a very different way. I’ve seen rude brush offs, uncomfortable silences, and comical attempts to communicate using sign language or just speaking loud and slow.
There was none of this. The two men seemed to have a kind of fannish bond and it wasn’t so much that Mr. Harrison politely waited until the German fellow took his seat, but that he enjoyed that brief time being in each other’s presence.
I’m probably reading too much into it, but it was one of those moments you only get at a World Con, and one I will always remember.
Chalk one up for the Stopwatch Gang. Member Suzanne Church won the Aurora for best story. The Aurora Awards celebrate the best in Canadian science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Sat Sep 1 1:30:pm
Sat Sep 1 3:00:pm
Canadian Genre Writers
What do Canadian writers offer to genre writing. Is there a unique Canadian perspective?
Brian Hades Cary A. Conder Mike Rimar Robert J. Sawyer Robert Runte Susan Forest
Sun Sep 2 12:00:pm
Sun Sep 2 1:30:pm
The Future Evolution of the Short Story
Columbus EF
What role is the short story playing in reading lives today? It used to be a proving ground in SF, is that still true? Why/not? What are our favorite venues for short stories lately? What\'s the right price point for short stories? Electronic or print? Anthology or single sale? This would be a great panel for lots of audience participation.
Barbara Galler-Smith Donald J. Bingle Ellen Datlow Marie Bilodeau Mike Rimar
Mon Sep 3 10:30:am
Mon Sep 3 11:00:am
Reading: Mike Rimar
Mike Rimar
This year’s World Science Fiction Convention is being held in Chicago and I’ve been invited to be a panelist.
Here is my schedule:
Sat Sep 1 1:30:pm
What do Canadian writers offer to genre writing. Is there a unique Canadian perspective?
Cary A. Conder Mike Rimar Robert J. Sawyer Susan Forest
Sun Sep 2 12:00:pm
Sun Sep 2 1:30:pm
The Future Evolution of the Short Story
Columbus EF
What role is the short story playing in reading lives today? It used to be a proving ground in SF, is that still true? Why/not? What are our favorite venues for short stories lately? What\'s the right price point for short stories? Electronic or print? Anthology or single sale? This would be a great panel for lots of audience participation.
Barbara Galler-Smith Ellen Datlow Jacqueline Lichtenberg Marie Bilodeau Mike Rimar
Mon Sep 3 10:30:am
Mon Sep 3 11:00:am
Reading: Mike Rimar
And check out my fellow panelists!