Thursday, June 23, 2011

A review for Four WIzards and a Funeral.

Lois Tilton does short fiction reviews for Locus Online. She had this to say about my story which appears in InterGalactic Medicine Show.


There were five wizards in the Cabal before one of them died. This makes Carmichael the business of the Undertaker. His will has left instruction for his funeral, but the other members of the Cabal each have their own demands. One wants him burned, another wants him soaked in preservative, another puts a dagger through his heart with the demand that no one remove it. And of course their demands are all backed up by the most dire of threats, not to mention the suggestion of necromancy. What’s an innocent Undertaker to do?

In this case, the suggestion of humor in the title is appropriate; this is light horror. The Undertaker’s solution is satisfactorily ingenious, as it ought to be.


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